
学生活动致力于为MECC的学生提供体验,改善学习环境,促进学生的社区意识. 学生活动 sponsors campus events, hosts field trips to local points of interest, provides education to improve quality of life, 和 支持s student leadership 和 civic engagement.

学生俱乐部 & 组织

All clubs are open to any current MECC student. Most organizations have membership qualifications; see below for more information. The 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站 office, located in Holton Hall, 负责协调和执行与校园组织和活动运作有关的政策和程序.

学生外交官项目是一群才华横溢的学生领袖,他们以各种方式代表MECC. 学生外交官在推荐几个靠谱的买球网站中提供支持,并在校园里获得许多领导机会. 学生们还参与各种鼓励团队合作的活动和社区服务项目, 合作, integrity 和 professional behavior. Eligibility Requirements:

  • Minimum Grade Point Average of 3.0 (may be waived for 1st time students)
  • C和idate must be registered for at least 6 semester credit hours
  • Be willing to commit to an agreed-upon schedule for at least one semester
  • 愿意遵守外交官着装规范,表现出整洁、专业的外表和态度

Applications are accepted 五月 1- July 1. 指导老师: 戴尔李

工程技术俱乐部为学生提供了在课堂之外学习更多工程技术的机会. The organization holds meetings, 计划实地考察, 社交活动, participate in community service, 举办募捐活动, 和 work on projects. 指导老师: 杰克侍从

促进我们社区对当地环境问题的认识,并让学生有机会在俱乐部项目期间在实地工作. Club members gather to visit local streams/rivers to clean up trash 和 debris. We will also do work on the Powell River Project such as planting seedlings. 环境科学俱乐部在每个月的第二个星期二12:15在环境科学实验室开会. 指导老师: 阿内克Ogbonnaya

同性恋异性恋联盟致力于为所有学生营造一个更加包容的校园, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, 通过教育, 支持, 社会行动, 和宣传. 只有确保每个学生都能接受教育而不用担心受到骚扰,学校才能真正安全, 暴力, 或嘲笑. 最终, we strive to bring together people of all sexual orientation, 是直的吗?, 同性恋, bisexual or transsexual, with the belief that we are all created equal. For more information, contact 指导老师: aramsey@作为国内.edu.

疗愈之手是一个学生组织,被纳入了实践护理计划. The mission of 治疗手 is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, 通过为学生提供获得知识的机会,提供优质的医疗保健服务, 技术技能, 和 leadership development. “疗愈之手”的目标还在于提高人们对自我和彼此在社区中的角色的认识. 指导老师: 莉娜Whisenhunt

从9月到11月的第一周,MECC在秋季提供国旗橄榄球. 国旗橄榄球赛季以弗吉尼亚大学怀斯分校的边境之战国旗橄榄球锦标赛结束, where MECC competes nearly twenty other schools. MECC在春季也有篮球比赛,最后是MECC校内锦标赛. MECC also participates in various basketball tournaments in the service region.

LIFE校园事工是一个圣经学习,让我们明白神可以满足我们的每一个需要,以及他愿意成为我们的父亲和最亲密的伴侣. 顾问: 阿什利人工养殖珍珠香农Fritts

MECC Student Veterans Organization works to engage the administration, 教师, 工作人员和当地退伍军人支持服务,以改善所有MECC退伍军人学生及其家人的教育体验. Membership is open to all registered veterans, 服务人员, 教师, 和 staff of MECC that are veterans. Members that graduate will be granted alumni membership status. Student veterans will be greeted with friendship, 支持, 获得的资源不仅能提高他们的教育经验,还能提供终身受益的社会和文化意识机会. 指导老师: 莉娜恩典

优点 is a club for students accepted within the Respiratory Care Program. merit参与筹款活动和社区服务活动,以提高学校社区和整个地区社区对健康促进的认识. merit是组织和赞助的学生俱乐部,为MECC每年四次的献血活动筹集资金,并为其他社区项目筹集资金. 会员资格要求:接受目前在呼吸治疗计划注册的学生. For more information, contact 指导老师: 韦斯·马林斯.

Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society of the two-year college. Honor society membership is by invitation only. PTK的邀请会在秋季和春季由PTK顾问自动通过电子邮件发送. To receive an invitation, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in an Associate’s Program
  • Be enrolled in select Certificate Programs 和 enrolled in six credit hours.
  • Complete 12 credit hours with a 3.平均绩点5分或以上
  • 填写一份会员申请,并向国际总部支付一次性会员费
  • 保持3分.0 or higher GPA after becoming a member of Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa参加了许多围绕其四个标志的活动:领导力, 奖学金, 奖学金, 和服务. Previous activities have included recycling 和 “green” initiatives, graduation completion projects, breast cancer awareness events, 生命接力, literacy promotion to elementary school children, 和 purchasing Christmas gifts for needy children in the area. 旅行包括地区Phi Theta Kappa会议和国际Phi Theta Kappa会议. 主要奖学金计划包括全弗吉尼亚和全美国学术团队. Phi Theta Kappa的顾问也可以帮助学生找到转校的奖学金. Many colleges offer academic 奖学金s to honor society members. Scholarship opportunities are available at www.作为国内.edu/ptk奖学金s.  即将毕业的Phi Theta Kappa会员可以购买荣誉徽章在毕业典礼上佩戴,并在他们的文凭上获得Phi Theta Kappa印章. 指导老师: Dr. 戴尔李

是是一个激励和培养学生成为具有社区意识的商业领袖的组织. Each year, FBLA-PBL helps over 230,000 members prepare for careers in business. PBL’s program focuses on: Leadership Development, Academic Competitions, 教育项目, 会员的好处, 社区服务, 和奖励 & 识别.”
For more information, contact 指导老师: 菲尔·爱德华兹.

ρν护理俱乐部主要致力于为护理奖学金筹集资金,并偶尔参加社区服务活动. 学生 must be admitted to the MECC Nursing Program to be members of the group.  教师顾问: dcluesman@作为国内.edu or arobbins@作为国内.edu.

学生自治协会(SGA)通过领导能力和奖学金的提升,为MECC及其学生提供改善的方法和手段.  学生自治协会对每一个在MECC注册的学生开放. 指导老师: 韦斯·马林斯

The 微笑的社会 is incorporated into the DA curriculum.  我们的目标是通过社区服务提高病人的读写能力,促进良好的口腔卫生习惯.  学生们参加了社区活动和几个校本项目.g., STEM presentations, National Children’s Dental Health Month in February).  学生 interested in pre-dentistry (at any level:  pre-doc, 口腔卫生, or assistant) are welcome to participate, 欢迎社区成员与我们联系,参与他们的组织或活动.

如果你有兴趣开始一个俱乐部或想要更多的信息,请发电子邮件 studentservices@作为国内.edu