任务 Statement

The mission of 艺术 and 科学 is to promote a climate that nurtures and values lifelong learning; offers accessible, high quality, interdisciplinary instruction; provides personalized, attentive advising and recognizes personal, transfer, and career goals; and, through partnerships with other segments of education, develops literate, responsible, productive citizens.

The Division of 艺术 & 科学 is located on the first floor of Godwin Hall in Suite 104. 办公室 hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

艺术 & 科学

Dr. Ted Booth, Dean of 艺术 & 科学



Dana DeFoor, Administrative Assistant 




名字 电子邮件 Phone Number 办公室 Discipline
Dr. Bethany Arnold barnold@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9034 G111 英语, Education
William Bott wbott@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9037 G237 Chemistry, Mathematics
Dr. Ted Booth tbooth@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9038 G115 历史
Derek Bryant dbryant@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9044 G224 Mathematics
Dr. Crystal Camponovo ccamponovo@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9039 G217 生物学
Dr. Shannon Fritts sfritts@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9040 G219 生物学
Sarah Gilliam sgilliam@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9041 G222 英语
Brandi Martinez bmartinez@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9043 G243 英语
Melissa McKinney mmckinney@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9035 G112 Psychology
Miranda Oaks moaks@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9045 G221 Mathematics
Dr. Adam Ramsey aramsey@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9036 G235 生物学
Kyle Scanlan kscanlan@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9046 G116 历史, Political 科学
Dr. Ken Tucker ktucker@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9047 G117 Sociology, Geography
Frank Wright fwright@fanjiegroup.com 276-523-9049 G223 Physics, Mathematics